eComm Ignitor – Your questions answered

eComm Ignitor – Your questions answered

eComm IgnitorÂŽ is our signature training program to help online store owners to scale to 6-figure+ businesses. It includes all the key elements you need to create a holistic marketing strategy and always know what to focus on next. It’s designed to eliminate your overwhelm and give you a clear plan with simple to follow step-by-step instructions and next level support.

You can find out more and register here.

I’ve had a few questions come through around the course, what’s included and how it’s delivered so I have answered them for you below.

Q: Why did you create this course?

A: I built this course to teach emerging online store owners how to play on a level playing field with the big guys, showing you how to cut through in a busy world of social media and stand out online.

Q: How is the content delivered?

A: The course is hosted in Kajabi, an online portal that you will log into. Each module has videos, workbooks, and (where applicable) templates and screen-share explainer/demo videos. The videos are pre-recorded, and you can watch them as often as you like at whatever pace suits your learning style.

Q: Is there any support?

A: You get 3 months of free access to eComm Club which includes a private student group with Karyn and her team of Unstoppable Mentors, weekly live calls, and quarterly planning workshops to support you along your journey. 

Q: How much time will I need to invest in the course?

A: This is a self-paced 8-module course, which includes both no-fluff video lessons and tactical action steps in each phase. Some alumni have gotten through the material in a matter of weeks, and others have continued to chip away alongside their day job and/or family obligations. I recommend giving yourself at least a few hours a week if you want to do one module per week. 

Q: Is there a payment plan?

A: There sure is! Instead of paying in one lump sum, you can pay in 3 monthly payments of $747. All dollar amounts listed are in AUD and include GST for Australian residents.

Q: How long do I have access to the content?

A: You have access to the learning portal with all the video recordings and supporting documentation, including future updates for the life of the program. The course is self-paced, and you can access the modules and lessons as many times as you like, whenever you like.

Q: Which eCommerce website platforms do you cover?

A: Most of the course content is relevant regardless of which website platform you are using. However, we demonstrate pixel setup and Facebook catalogue integration in the most commonly used platforms: Shopify, and WordPress with WooCommerce.

Q: What if I need help to implement some of the things you recommend?

A: Our screen-shares and step-by-step guides are usually exactly what you’re looking for in terms of step-by-step instructions for the setup you need to do. However, if you simply don’t have the capacity to do it yourself (photography for example), we do have a list of trusted providers we can put you in touch with. We also have 1:1 sessions available to purchase with our mentors if you need a little extra support.

If you have any questions of your own I haven’t answered please feel free to reach out at

Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity

Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity

The new financial year is here! Now is a great time to review your numbers and we covered exactly which numbers you should be tracking and measuring in our latest podcast. 

One point I really wanted to reiterate is this: 

Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity.

We often see business owners bragging about their $2million dollar brand. But what does this actually mean…?

What they usually mean is they generated $2million dollars in revenue. And while this is great, revenue doesn’t mean a damn thing unless you’ve got profit left at the end of the day. 

I would much rather own a company that turns over $500k and is left with a net profit of $100k, than a company that turns over $1million dollars but is only left with $20k net profit at the end of the day.

So many business owners are left with little or no profit at the end of the year – or worse – they are left with an unexpected tax bill that they can’t pay. 

This is why when our students join eComm Ignitor the first thing we get them to do is track and measure their important numbers. And more often than not our online store owners realise that they aren’t making much profit (if any). They essentially have a hobby. And while this realisation sucks, it’s so important to understand because you can’t fix a problem you don’t know exists. 

Having your finger on the pulse with regards to your numbers is essential to having a successful business. So instead of focusing on the metrics that don’t matter, focus on those that do. 

  • Instead of focusing only on how many people are coming to your site, track and measure how many of those actually convert into a sale. 
  • Instead of focusing only on how many Facebook fans or Instagram followers you have, track and measure how many of those people actually engage with your brand. 
  • Instead of focusing only on how many sales you make, track and measure how many of those are repeat purchasers. 
  • Instead of focusing only on your revenue, track and measure how much profit is actually left at the end of the day. 

You can read our blog which details exactly which numbers we recommend you track and measure in order to have a successful online store. 

So, instead of focusing solely on revenue, turn your attention to those numbers that actually matter. And remember, revenue is vanity, profit is sanity. 

Megan Winter

Megan is an inspiring, brilliant and fun digital marketer and has worked with some of the fastest-growing eCommerce brands in the world.

Megan loves helping purpose-driven online store owners to make more income and achieve more impact. 

6 guest expert features you may have missed

6 guest expert features you may have missed

Chances are, you’ve read some of the blogs published here on our website but did you know we’ve also featured as guest experts on other blogs include Afterpay, Xero and Business Chicks?

In today’s blog, we’re going to share a few of these with you just in case you missed them.


1. The rise of social commerce with Afterpay

For their article on social commerce, Afterpay approached us to provide our insights on what social commerce is and how retailers get involved.

Click to Karyn’s advice in Afterpay’s article all about social commerce.

2. How to move your bricks-and-mortar store online with Business Chicks

For this article, Business Chicks approached us to provide 10 tips on how to move your bricks-and-mortar store online.

Click to read Megan’s top 10 tips for moving your bricks-and-mortar store online.

3. Xero’s Rebuilding Australia: Unstoppable women thrive working 2,500km apart

Xero was super active in providing support to small businesses in the wake of the pandemic. They delivered a Rebuilding Australia series and asked us to provide our insights into the impact of COVID-19 for our business, our clients and our students.

Click to read how we thrived working 2,500km apart.

This article first featured in the Rebuilding Australia handbook.

4. Stronger and smarter; a small business handbook by Xero

Xero also approached us to provide tips for moving a physical store to an eCommerce store and Megan provided more inspo in Xero’s Stronger and Smarter: a small business handbook.

5. How to nail remote working by Business Chicks

And we featured alongside Spell & The Gypsy Collective, Organise.Curate.Design, Liv the CEO of Business Chicks, Icon Group, Your One and Only and Athena Consulting in Business Chicks’ How to Nail Remote Working blog.

Click to read our secrets to working remotely including how we prefer to handle Directors disputes!

6. How to prepare your e-commerce site for the festive season

AfterPay approached us, along with retailer Ginger + Smart, to provide our top tips for preparing for the festive season. Although you may be reading this outside of the festive season ramp up, the tips are still relevant for all your promotions throughout the year.

Click to read Megan’s 7 tips for preparing your online store for the festive season.

So there you have it – 6 great resources to help eCommerce entrepreneurs thrive featuring us, your favourite eCommerce experts 🙂

Megan Winter

Megan is an inspiring, brilliant and fun digital marketer and has worked with some of the fastest-growing eCommerce brands in the world.

Megan loves helping purpose-driven online store owners to make more income and achieve more impact. 

How the iOS 14.5 Update Is Affecting Facebook Ads

How the iOS 14.5 Update Is Affecting Facebook Ads

They say there is never a right time to have a baby, well they were right! As I was giving birth to my beautiful little girl online store owners, marketers and Facebook staff alike were going into meltdown over the new iOS 14.5 update from Apple and what it would bring. 

For a run down on the update see How to prepare your business for the iOS Update.

It seemed like the worst timing but as luck would have it, I’m back from maternity leave and the sky has yet to fall in! 

Last week (26th April), the Apple iOS 14.5 update started to roll out in Australia. For iPhone owners who run the update they will now be able to choose whether an app can track them and retain their data. It’s this juicy data that has allowed Facebook ads to be so effective as we can re-target website users based on the actions they take such as looking at a product, adding to cart, or even purchasing. 

The update includes a pop up from Apple which asks the user if they give permission for the app to track them or not.

“Facebook” would like permission to track you across apps and websites owned by other companies. This will allow Facebook to provide you with a better ads experience.” The user can then choose between “Ask App Not to Track” or “Allow Tracking”.

A clever move by Facebook includes a prior screen, which educates the user before the popup appears. Facebook states that by allowing Facebook to track their app and website activity they will “Show you ads that are more personalized”, “Help keep Facebook free of charge” and “Support businesses that rely on ads to reach customers”. I think the only one that may be truly motivating for the every day user is keeping Facebook free of charge.

The biggest unknown waiting for this update is how many users will allow Facebook to continue to track them, and how many will opt out. As the update is rolled out, only time will tell.

So what will the changes mean for your Facebook ads?


Expect Changes From Facebook

Facebook has said to expect changes in their business and advertising tools, campaign set up, targeting, delivery, measurement, and reporting.

I expect there will be changes gradually rolled out as it will take time for users to update their devices and they won’t do it all at once. 

Reporting Changes

The update affects how Facebook can report on user behaviour as they won’t have all the data they had previously. 

Any user that opts out as part of the iOS 14.5 update won’t be reflected in your reporting. So if they click on your ad, go through, and make a purchase, that purchase won’t be reflected in your reporting. 

This is one of the biggest challenges we now face. It’s like going back to the old day of TV and radio where we knew 50% of our advertising was working, we just didn’t know which 50%. What I have always loved about Facebook ads is you could account for every cent spent and know exactly how much it was bringing you back in sales. Not anymore 🙁 

It is now important that you monitor your sales through your own platform’s analytics such as Shopify or WooCommerce. This will be a true reflection of your sales and you will need to estimate how many of those sales came from your Facebook advertising, even if Facebook is not telling you the full story. Apple’s changes affect Google too, so Google Analytics will be affected in the same way.

7 Day Window

Another big change is that Facebook is changing it’s attribution settings to 7 day click through and 1 day view. The old 28 day options and 7 day view are being depreciated..

This means that any reported stats on your ads are based on actions taken within 7 days of clicking on your ad, or within 24 hours of viewing it. Keep in mind however, this data shown does not include iOS users who opted out of tracking.

The default for all new Ad Sets and web event campaigns will be 7-day click-through.

Attribution methodology will shift from Impression Time to Conversion Time.

Aggregated Event Measurement (AEM)

Aggregated Event Measurement refers to the new limit of 8 events you can optimise for, mentioned in our previous blog. 

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to verify your domain and set up your web events. You can follow our free guide available here. 

When AEM is fully enforced any ad sets that are optimised for an event that is not selected in your 8 will automatically be paused. Double check your current Ad Sets to make sure they are not optimised for something you haven’t selected in your 8.

Ad sets will also be paused if you don’t have your verified domain selected.

IMPORTANT: If you re-order your events, all Ad Sets using the affected events will be paused for 72 hours. Facebook says this is to help minimize the risk of incorrect attribution.


Tracking users has been essential to Facebook’s targeting options. Unfortunately for users who opt out, we won’t be able to re-target them as effectively as we used to. 

This affects not only what individual users do on your website, but also interest-based targeting as Facebook can no longer store information from websites they visit to know that a person is interested in horse riding, baby clothing or planning their next holiday.

Expect some of your audience sizes to go down as more people opt out of tracking. 

Another audience that will be affected by the change is lookalike audiences. Users who opt out won’t be able to be included in seed audiences, but even those who opt in under Apple’s new rules can only be used for 7 days. This means seed audiences will need to be based on actions taken in the last 7 days, not 180. This will result in many small businesses not being able to use Lookalike of Purchases as they need a minimum of 100 people in the same country within that 7 day period. To overcome this use, a larger seed audience such as add to cart or view content, or use a seed audience of an email list of purchases.

What To Expect

While all the changes roll out and there is an increase in users updating their iPhones, expect fluctuations in the performance of your ads. So far, our clients haven’t been dramatically affected, however, I have heard stories of others who have. Just be aware a lot is going on in the background and whenever Facebook makes major changes, things break! 

I expect ad delivery and reporting will be affected and Facebook has warned of increased CPAs (cost per acquisition).

What Should You Do

It’s not all doom and gloom, there are still many effective ways to use Facebook advertising, even for iOS users who opt out. 

Focus On Email

It’s time to double down on your email strategy. Use your Facebook ads to get people to your website but then, focus on capturing their emails when they get there. This way you will be able to email them, and also target them with Facebook ads based on an audience made from our email list. 

We recommend using Klaviyo as it allows you to have a custom Facebook audience made with an email list that automatically updates when new subscribers join your list.

You can also use Facebook Lead ads to collect emails from within Facebook and then add those subscribers to your custom audience, and feed them through an email sequence.

With so many people asking for emails, you need to be more creative than offering ‘10% off your first purchase’. Consider running a competition with a monthly winner or a special offer just for subscribers.

Use Videos

Videos are a great way to capture attention in your Facebook ads, but the other great thing about them is you can create audiences of people who have viewed them. One ad strategy we will be testing is running ads top of funnel (to a cold audience) with engaging videos and then re-targeting middle of funnel ads to people who watch those videos, rather than people who view a product on your website. The premise is the same, you are showing further information in an ad to someone who has shown an interest (by watching your video). Here is a free resource featuring 8 types of thumb-stopping video you can create.

Be Patient

There has been a big build up to these changes and the chaos they are going to cause but things are not going to change dramatically overnight. It will take time to see the full effects of the changes and find the best ways to adapt. Be patient and keep an eye on our blog for the latest updates.

Don’t Panic

Things change. Once upon a time Newspapers were the best way to advertise! Along came radio, then TV. Then Netflix turned up and people stopped watching free to air TV and therefore stopped seeing ads. 

Marketing is always the same – the right message to the right person at the right time. The method is what changes, and we need to continue to evolve as the world does. Privacy is a huge issue amongst online apps so I believe Apple is only the first to make this move and others will follow suit. 

We need to adapt to what is working at the time. I still believe Facebook ads will be a powerful marketing tool for eCommerce, we will just start using them in a different way.


Need Help? 

If you’d like help to grow your eCommerce store using our latest eCommerce funnels designed to adapt to the latest changes check out our eComm Ignitor program. We can help you sell more on your online store.

Oh sh*t this page doesn’t exist!

Our tech may have blundered but to be honest, it’s likely a human error (yep, my company is run by humans).

You may be able to find what you’re looking for with the links below. 

Or send me an email and a real person will get back to you.

Karyn x

Ep. 104 – 3 must have product images for eCommerce

Ep. 104 – 3 must have product images for eCommerce

In this episode Paige shares the 3 types of photos you need for your eCommerce business to create an emotional connection from your audience, gain trust and ultimately answer all their questions so they feel confident purchasing from you.

3 amazing benefits of doing the unscalable

3 amazing benefits of doing the unscalable

Begin with the end in mind. It’s something I constantly remind our team when strategic planning and setting up structures in the business. 

And while it’s true that you want to carefully consider where you want to end up, your first action doesn’t always mirror your desired end result.

It can be tempting to setup your online store with big systems and processes and to make sure that everything you do is scalable. But I want to challenge this concept. 

In fact, I want to go as far as saying that you actually want to do the unscalable. Sometimes! 

Why would a system-loving eCommerce growth strategist be telling you to do the unscalable?  

Simple. There is magic in doing the unscalable. 

Here are 3 benefits you can gain from doing the unscalable in your business. 

1. Uncover amazing insights

You can uncover amazing insights by engaging directly with a small group of customers. This can either be your first purchasers if you’re just starting out, or your highest value customers if you have a more established customer base.

Instead of asking people to fill out a survey, email people individually with a personal note asking for insights or feedback. I promise you’ll get a better % response rate and the insights you’ll gain will be much more usable than the responses from a survey. 

Pro Tip: if you are looking for feedback, ask one specific question at a time.

2. Create sticky, long-term relationships

Similar to the point above, you can create long-term loyal customers by simply engaging with them personally, aka in an unscalable way. Think about it… sure, your automated email sequences are there to do the heavy lifting for abandon carts, post-purchase sequences, return reminders, etc., and you absolutely should have these in place, but if you took the time to email repeat customers personally, saying thanks and starting up a conversation… how sticky are they going to become? They will go from loyal customer to raving fan! 

Hint: raving fans do marketing for you by telling all their friends and family about you, so taking a little unscalable time to activate an evangelist could pay off many times over! 

3. Generate memorable experiences and repeat customers 

Your online store needs to be more than an online store. It needs to be more than what you sell. It needs to be magnetic, engaging and unique. Most of all it needs to be memorable. 

Every touchpoint in your online store (meaning every time someone comes in contact with your brand) is an opportunity to make your audience smile, evoke an emotion and create a lasting impression. In fact, you’re evoking an emotion whether you like it or not… sometimes it just might not be a great one. 

Take the unboxing experience as an example. I recently purchased some earrings from Poppy Lane. She could have simply put the earrings in a padded envelope along with the invoice and sent them out. She would have been delivering on her promise. But instead, she packaged the earring in a brightly coloured pink (her brand colour) and instead it was some silver tinsel, a pink fizzer lolly thing, a hand written note (on nice stock) and of course the earrings. 

She made me smile, evoked joy and left a lasting memory… and you bet your favourite hat I’ll be shopping from her again. I loved it enough to do an Instagram story about it. Not only that, but because the experience was so good I now know where to buy gifts from… I have complete confidence that if I ship directly to my friends and family, they will receive a great experience too.  


Final word 

So, yes, start with the end in mind but don’t be afraid to do the unscalable to accelerate the growth of your business. Uncover insights, create sticky relationships and go one step further to make people smile and leave a lasting memory. Do the unscalable and I promise, you will discover some magic. 

Megan Winter

Megan is an inspiring, brilliant and fun digital marketer and has worked with some of the fastest-growing eCommerce brands in the world.

Megan loves helping purpose-driven online store owners to make more income and achieve more impact. 

20 Questions to unpack your 2020

20 Questions to unpack your 2020

It may be 2021 already, however, I think it’s so important to unpack and process the year that was 2020.

It may be tempting to say good riddance and bye-bye to 2020 however don’t miss out on the wisdom and so many lessons to be gained from taking a moment to process the year.

I attended a gorgeous event hosted by Business Chicks where Kemi Nekvapil asked 20 questions. I enjoyed it so much that I have borrowed the format & changed the questions to reflect online store owners.

It was a powerful process and I’m looking forward to taking you through it.

In our free group, Unstoppable eCommerce Entrepreneurs, I facilitated a process to help you unpack your 2020. We looked at 2020 square in the eyes and acknowledged it fully… how it impacted your life and your business. We also look towards the future and how we can step boldly into 2021.

It’s not too late to do this process.

We recommend you watch the training so you can do the process with us. Even if you watch the replay, we will hold space for you plus you will hear my answers to these questions, as well as your fellow online store owners.

Watch the replay now to get access to these 20 reflective and meaningful questions…. hear me answers to the questions… as well as how some of your fellow Unstoppable eCommerce Entrepreneurs answered them.

So grab a pen and paper and join us as we go through 20 questions for 2020.

Join us for the replay of our free training

How to get instant access to the training:

Step 1: make sure you’re in our free group. If you aren’t, click here to join now. When you join our free group, make sure you take a few seconds to answer the 3 questions so we can let you in.

Step 2: click here to get instant access to the replay now (no opt-in needed)

We’re looking forward to stepping boldly into 2021… but before we do… let’s reflect meaningfully on 2020.

Here are the 20 questions we unpack:

  1. What did you learn about the world?
  2. What did you learn about people?
  3. What has been your biggest challenge?
  4. What or who has inspired you?
  5. What did you learn about your customers?
  6. What did you learn about your products?
  7. What did you learn about yourself?
  8. What new skills did you learn?
  9. What loss have you experienced this year?
  10. What have you gained this year?
  11. What are you most proud of yourself for?
  12. What is something you haven’t celebrated yet?
  13. If you could name 3 people who have supported you this year, who are they?
  14. If you could describe your business and life pre-covid life, how would it be?
  15. If you could create a vision for your life going into 2021, what would it be?
  16. What support would you need to enlist to make this a reality?
  17. What mindset shift would you need to make to make this vision a reality?
  18. What do you need to start doing?
  19. What do you need to stop doing?
  20. What commitment do you need to make to yourself to move boldly into 2021?

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn the beautiful lessons 2020 has to offer.

Here’s to embracing all that was 2020 and stepping boldly into the best year of your life.

Written by Megan Winter

Megan is an award-winning marketer and has worked with some of the fastest-growing eCommerce brands in the world.

Megan loves helping ethically-produced, heart-centred, soul-driven online store owners to make more income and achieve more impact.Â