eCommerce Business Toolkit

eCommerce tools and providers to help you grow a profitable eCommerce business.

The following are tools and providers that I use or have vetted personally. They are tried and tested and work for my business.
Please do your own due diligence to see if they are a good fit for your business.

Full disclosure, some of these links are affiliate links, you can view my full affiliate disclaimer here but rest assured I only recommend quality products and providers that I know and trust.


Website Platform

If you’re looking to set up an eCommerce store I hands down recommend Shopify. It’s the platform I use for creating eCommerce websites.

I love it as it’s easy to use and manage your own products and inventory. You can also use it for your brick & mortar store and adjust stock in real time as you sell it either in-store or online.

It is super user friendly and allows you to create a beautiful, professional looking eCommerce website without any coding experience.

The platform can grow with you so there is no need to change software as your business grows.  


Email Marketing

After trying so many, Klaviyo is my favourite email marketing software for eCommerce.  Klaviyo integrates well with Shopify and Facebook and has all the features you need and a free plan for under 250 contacts and just $20/month for up to 500 contacts. They have abandoned cart emails set up out of the box and a built-in customisable website popup feature.

Site Unicorn

Shopify Website Builds + Optimisation

Site Unicorn are your go to team if you need a new Shopify site and don’t want to build it yourself or you just need some customisations done for you.

Having been through my eComm Ignitor training , worked as a mentor for Unstoppable eCommerce and having 3 eCommerce brands of her own Sarah knows exactly what it takes to have a high converting Shopify store!


Domain Host

GoDaddy is the world’s largest domain registrar. I use them to register my domain names which I then host on either Shopify or WPengine (depending on if it’s eCommerce or not).

It is always a good idea to have your domain and your website hosted by 2 different companies – so you don’t have all your eggs in one basket. GoDaddy don’t charge to point your domain to Shopify which is a great bonus!

I always recommend getting all the domains you can afford such as .com, and .au and redirect the others. 


Creative Market

Social Media Templates + Web Icons

Creative market is like a digital candy store for entrepreneurs. It is full of amazing things like photos, fonts, graphics, templates, icons and event website themes all designed by other clever entrepreneurs who use the platform to sell through.

When you sign up for a free account you can access 6 free downloads each week. The items for sale are all very well priced and most come as templates you can edit.