Join waitlist for earlybird enrolments opening July 31

Generate consistent, profitable sales on your online store

(minus the overwhelm)

Next Live Round August 2024

eCommerce marketing course eComm Ignitor

Feel like your online store is

Never gonna turn a profit?

You’ve poured so much time, effort and money into your online store, but no-one visits or buys – no matter how much content you put out or how much you pump into the Facebook Ads slot machine.

Your entire business feels like a gamble.

You send emails to your customers and cross your fingers they get opened.

You run promotions because you feel like you have to discount to make a sale.

You feel like you’ve been flushing your ad spend – and your profits – down the drain.

You know your products are amazing. So where are all your customers hiding?

Trying to solve the problem sounds like an eComm house of horrors lucky-dip…

Are online sales slow because of your clickthrough rate, targeting, conversions, your copy, your website, ad creative, bounce rate? HELP!

So you do all the things…

  • Listen to the podcasts
  • Scour blog posts
  • Waste hours bingeing YouTube videos
  • Purchase (the wrong!) online courses
  • Get conflicting advice from the Facebook Ads “gurus”
  • Put up with hearing stories about other eComm store owner and their dreamy profit margins *insert eyeroll*

And yet… 


eCommerce marketing mentor Karyn Parkinson

Here’s an eComm

Cobbling together advice from all over the internet won’t help you build and scale a profitable online store.

But your eComm profits are out there. (TRUST ME.)

And it IS possible to generate regular, predictable revenue – without shelling out money you don’t have to an ads agency.

If you’d rather be shipping truckloads of customer orders than staring at Facebook Ads Manager, email automations, or scheduling yet another social media post, read on.

What if…

…you could leverage award-winning agency-proven tactics 

to predictably grow and scale your eCommerce store?


And stop wasting ALL your cash on ads before you have
the right funnel, or a website that converts.


Let me share my proven system for a successful eCommerce store with you inside:

The 8-step agency tested (and proven!) framework for eCommerce business owners who want to ditch the 24/7/365 grind, generate sales in their sleep, and embrace *actual* entrepreneurial freedom. This is a live small group coaching program like no other. Enjoy intimate small group training calls with 1:1 assitance.

ecommerce marketing course inclusions Ignitor workbooks, training, calculators, checklist and Unstoppable Tshirt

“Sales are definitely increasing… I really didn’t understand how much there is to eCommerce… you’ve saved me so much time”. Tracey went on to have her best month ever straight out of Ignitor and smashed her monthly target by 180%!

Tracey Hickmott

Natural Approach

Knock eComm success outta the park

With eComm Ignitor you get:
eCommerce marketing course Module Know Your Numbers


Know which numbers to track and measure in your eComm business (and which ones to forget) so you can make smart, profitable data-driven decisions.

In this module you’ll learn:

  • The numbers worth watching to achieve serious growth
  • How to install tracking tools (without the stress!)
  • Proven formulas to calculate your store’s performance
  • How to set pricing – and avoid eating into your profits!
  • A-Z planning for profit and growth

Includes bonus must-have training from a master Profit First accountant!

eCommerce marketing course module audience insights


If you try to be everything to everyone, you will be nothing to no-one.

In this module you will learn:

  • What your high-value customers want to buy (so you can sell more to them!)
  • Tech tools for hidden audience insights and a competitive advantage.
  • How to KNOW who’ll spend money with you – so you stop wasting time and ad-spend on the rest!
eCommerce marketing course module Magnetic messaging


In this module I’ll show you how to create magnetic messaging that turns your products into must-haves, and browsers into buyers.

You’ll learn:

  • My tried and tested framework for clear, compelling messaging
  • How to get your audience to buy, without making them feeling sold to
  • How to get create a message library for instantly recognisable marketing and never waste another second battling writer’s block.
eCommerce marketing course module traffic ready


Avoid the #1 mistake eComm business owners make: driving traffic to their website before it’s ready to bank sales. (It’s like turning the tap on without a bucket to catch the water!)

In this module I’ll reveal:


  • The step-by-step method to optimise your website for traffic
  • How to make sure you website will turn your browsers into buyers
  • My stress-free tech prep for a successful eCommerce store
eCommerce marketing course content creation module


Does your content lack consistency, or strategy? I got you! Steal my easy-to-implement content strategy to get more eyes on your brand and boost sales.

By the end of this module you’ll know how to:

  • Create an easy-to-follow content schedule that makes content creation a breeze!
  • Stop the scroll with content that sends more buyers to your store
  • Connect with customers that align with your brand values and products
eCommerce marketing course module email marketing


If Facebook or Instagram disappeared would your business disappear too? It’s time to grow a list of perfect-fit customers who are ready and willing to buy . 

In this module I’ll show you how to:

  • Create automated email sequences so you make money on auto-pilot
  • Deliver email broadcasts relevant to your current campaigns and content schedule
  • Write emails that get people to buy without feeling sold to
Facebook ad ecommerce marketing course module


Want the exact eCommerce Facebook™ ad funnel that my agency clients pay me $30,000+ a year for? Steal it, and scale! (IMO the cost of eComm Ignitor is worth this module alone.) 

Get ready to:


  • Set up Facebook™ ads like a pro with my agency-tested funnel designed specifically for eCommerce stores.
  • Retarget people so they come back and buy (again and again)
  • Test, measure and improve your ads so they stop leaking profits and finally deliver a positive ROI!
eCommerce marketing course module optimise and scale


Audience: Nailed. Messaging: Irresistible. Website traffic: Humming. Emails On autopilot. Facebook™ ads: Up and running. Now it’s time to optimise and scale!

In this module you’ll discover:


  • My daily, weekly and monthly tasks I swear by for an ever-growing business
  • How to review and tweak your Facebook™ ads
  • How to scale your Facebook™ ads
  • A 365-day marketing plan strategy – don’t let your eCommerce store miss a single sales opportunity!

Brooke made HER investment back in just 2 weeks!

“For me before I did the course a lot of the Facebook ads that I ran were kind of guesswork. Some of them worked, some didn’t and I did waste a lot of money. 

The course taught me all the things that I needed to get set up on my business to be ready for ads”

“I got really good results, I actually made the money back that I spent on the course within the first couple of weeks which is incredible and it did just keep on growing.”

“If you are in business and you want to nail your Facebook ads I really do highly recommend the eComm Ignitor course” 


Brooke Davis

Thank you so much Karyn for creating it because it is a true resource for small business.

Ready to make every dollar of ad spend an investment, not a gamble?
You’re in the right place.

I’m Karyn.

I became an eCommerce-growth expert by accident. 

See, I was just 24 and hella enthusiastic (read: no clue what I was doing) when I started my first eCommerce business. 

And I wasted over $80,000 on mainstream advertising in my first year *ouch* 😮

But my very expensive mistake had a silver lining: I discovered Facebook™ ads – and found my passion.

By combining ads with pure grit and a shoestring budget, I managed to keep promoting my business. And started seeing results!

I began studying marketing and soaking up all things social media marketing and Facebook™ ads. 

I travelled the world to conferences and events and learned from the brightest minds.

Today, I run a multi-award winning eCommerce marketing agency and training school, and I’ve helped 200+ eCommerce entrepreneurs create eComm success. 

And if there’s ONE THING I know after 12+ years in the eComm industry? 


The best part? Now I’m here to help you.

I know my pathway-to-profit method will help you turn more browsers into buyers (before you spend a cent on Facebook ads!) and put you at the helm of a wildly successful eCommerce business.

eCommerce marketing mentor Karyn Parkinson
Virtual Trophy Cabinet


“Just wanted to say I’m loving your content. I wish I had this a year ago when I started selling on Shopify! Would have saved myself thousands.”

Jacqueline Kalab

Jacqueline Kalab Beauty

“I really had no idea I would be able to learn so much technology and new skills to use across the business and feel very lucky to have come across the eComm Ignitor Program.”

Gina Galvin



Get agency-tested (and proven!) VIP client eComm growth strategies


ecommerce course inclusions Ignitor workbooks, training, calculators, checklist and Unstoppable Tshirt

Stop burning hundreds of dollars on Facebook ads day in, day out

eComm Ignitor® is brimming with agency-tested eCommerce strategies that’ll deliver you revenue growth, increased profits, and more time freedom – at your own pace and budget.

You had me at agency tested!


I almost don’t want to share just how good this course is because I feel like I have a secret advantage over other eCommerce stores!

Kim Burbridge

Burbridge & Burke

Combine my easy-to-implement expertise with THE most supportive private Facebook community and you’re about to see your eCommerce Store in a whole new light (and level of revenue).

Pop Quiz

What common eComm mistake is sabotaging your sales and profits?

(Once you know what’s broken, you can fix it!)

You’re running ads without an eCommerce-specific strategy

Let’s fix that by hitting your target customer with a triple threat; the right offer, with the right message, at the right time.

My simple, powerful recipe will see your ad-spend find customers and generate sales.

You’re running ads before your website is ready for buyers

A website that fails to convert at 2% or higher is the single biggest cause of missed sales for eCommerce businesses owners.

I’ll show you quick, easy changes that’ll prepare your website for buyers and help you stride towards increased profitability.

You don’t have a eCommerce ads funnel

You’re in for a treat with my icing-on-the-cake ads funnel.

Let me show you three types of ads that’ll turn your store into a delicious success story (cake pun intended)!

I’m ready for the fix!

I’m one of the most transparent coaches you’ll ever work with so…


You don’t need to spend $30,000 to get expert advice (like my VIP agency clients choose to spend each year).

You don’t need to burn $10K + on an accountant, copywriter, email marketing expert, graphic designer, website designer, and an ad agency.

And you don’t need to waste $80,000 on paid advertising, and not make a cent in return. Trust me – I learned this the hard way!

eComm Ignitor is not just a Facebook Ads Course
(scaling profitably involves more than just Facebook Ads!)

It’s not just ANOTHER eComm Course.

It’s everything you need for a high converting, scalable and profitable eCommerce business.

ecommerce course inclusions Ignitor workbooks, training, calculators, checklist and Unstoppable Tshirt


Before eComm Ignitor, Elise was overwhelmed with everything she needed to do as a small business owner.

“I wasn’t sure what I needed to prioritise. It’s fine knowing everything you need to do, but you can’t do everything at once”

“Since joining, and doing Ignitor and finding Karyn, my sales have at least TRIPLED and they have managed to stay there. So they have stayed consistent. “

“When I look back at where I was before I started Ignitor, it’s light years apart in terms of my skill level and just clarity on knowing what I need to be working on everyday. I now feel like I have a sustainable business.”

Elise Ross


When you add it all up, that’s

A value of over $13,182

  • All 8 comprehensive training modules with over 15 hours of tutorial videos ~ $7500 value
  • 12 weeks access to Private Facebook student group for maximum support, clarity and eComm success ~ $997 value
  • Module specific workbooks to keep you on track and focused ~ $197 value
  • Website, email + ad checklists to help you avoid mis-steps or expensive mistakes ~ $97 value
  • 12 weeks of live, small group coaching calls to fast-track your results ~ $3,600 value
  • Website Conversion Optimiser, my blueprint for a high converting webpage ~ $297 value
  • Shopify Success Guide – my little black book of best performing Shopify themes and extensions ~ $197 value
  • Cart Abandonment Crushers – a collection of ready to use Website Icons ~ $297 value

Invest in your eComm success story

My Unstoppable


I promise that the teachings inside eComm Ignitor®, and my support WILL make a difference in your eCommerce business.  

If you feel it hasn’t provided the transformative steps necessary to improve your eCommerce store, simply reach out within 14 days and I’ll issue you a full refund, no questions asked. 

Jacqueline grew 800%!

“It wasn’t just Facebook ads, it wasn’t just how to write copy, it wasn’t just one part of it – it was a complete process and a complete program for eCommerce success.

I went from not being able to live off my business at all, to having my business being able to support me over the last 2 years.

If I could only do one course to help my eComm business, it would absolutely be eComm Ignitor.


Jacqueline Kalab

My sales have increased 800% since doing eComm Ignitor!

Corbin got 30X return on ad spend!

Before eComm Ignitor, Corbin was wearing all the hats inside his business, and working another job to make ends meet.

“I was running the whole business myself and had no idea what I was doing with Facebook marketing, eDM, schedules.”

Since doing the Ignitor course, we now have 7 staff employed, we’ve got 74 thousand followers on Instagram, our revenue and Facebook Ads have had a 30x return.”

For anyone thinking about doing the program, I highly recommend it… it’s worth every cent.

Corbin Halliday


“The investment is worth every cent”

“Before eComm Ignitor I felt lost, frustrated, overwhelmed and out of my depth.
After doing this course I now feel Unstoppable!

I feel confident, knowledgeable, successful and totally equipped to smash our goals! The investment is worth every cent!

If you are someone who wants to know how to take control of your online business, Karyn will absolutely guide you through how, why and what.

I knew it was just what I needed to get our little business out into the world, and I was right!”


Kim Burbridge
eComm Ignitor Student review Kim

“After a killer BFCM campaign and continuing sales this week I am certainly feeling unstoppable! The course was absolutely incredible, not to mention the ongoing support. Huge thanks to you”

I want to be like Kim!

The Nonsense Maker course review

“The online community was super helpful.
The response rate for the Facebook group was amazing!”

Both quit their day jobs!

“I would highly recommend it

There were so many things that seemed so obvious that we had never thought about. It made us look at our online website in a completely new way.

It’s so good that you do so much before you even get to the Facebook ads.

We signed up for the Facebook ads but we didn’t really realise that we needed everything else.

Sidonie Moore + Emily Ziccone

Coleen was able to quit her day job!

“Before eComm Ignitor I felt overwhelmed.

I was already over 12 months into my business… I didn’t know where I should put my focus or what was important or what could wait or what shouldn’t.

After doing this course I now feel confident, and under control (most of the time!).

If you’re serious about your business and know you have a great product but don’t know how to progress it, I’d say DO THE COURSE!”

Colleen Jackson


eComm Ignitor student Colleen Ride Proud

“These guys are excellent teachers. Their training videos are comprehensive and easily understood. You’re left with an extensive library of information that continues to grow and be updated.”

eComm Ignitor student Gina review

“Ecommerce Ignitor is extremely comprehensive and full of information on every subject you could think of for eCommerce.”

Confident and in control

“Before eComm Ignitor I felt quite lost and overwhelmed.

I knew I had good products and really believed in what I wanted to do, but just didn’t know how to go about it.

I now feel so much more in control and confident about what I’m doing… I know how to plan, manage my time and work much more efficiently.

They go out of their way to be available to help, make the material clear and easy”


Gina Galvin

“Highly recommended!”

“Karyn is a gem to find in the eCommerce training field. Her training is down to earth and easy to follow.

I love her ‘step-by-step’ instructions and she also makes any complicated stuff seem simple.

Ignitor will help build confidence that you are on the right track and you’ll see your business improve and grow. It’s easy to follow and you know that you can trust the information to be correct.

Ree Beilby


eCommerce course testimonial by Ree

The mentorship is great, as well as the Ignitor group… just having like-minded business owners to chat to makes a big difference when you’re working from home.

Tripled her revenue!

Katrina tripled her store revenue and consistently gets a website conversion rate of 4% and up to 10% at sale times!

Top ranked Shopify Store

Lauren increased her conversion rate to be awarded by Shopify as one of the top conversion rates in her industry (baby & kids)!

Heather Found Control!

“I’m more goal-orientated, methodical and less stressed. The business has gotten stronger both in the metrics, its identity as a brand and its focus for the future.”

ecommerce marketing course testimonial
eComm Ignitor course review
eCommerce course student results
eCommerce marketing course review
eCommerce marketing course review
eCommerce course testimonial from Lyndall
eCommerce growth
eCommerce course wins
Vee testimonial


Don’t waste another minute on your eCommerce business without backing yourself with the confidence and information it needs to grow.

With eComm Ignitor® and my expert guidance, you CAN transform your eCommerce businesses into a predictable, profitable revenue generator that’ll fill your entrepreneurial cup with joy – and cash!

Now is the time to become the expert that your business needs.


See you inside Ignitor


How long do I have access to the content for?

After the 12 weeks of live support, you will continue to have perpetual access to the learning portal with all the video recordings and supporting documentation. You can access the modules and lessons as many times as you like, whenever you like.

Why did you create this course?

I built this course to teach emerging online store owners how to play on a level playing field with the big guys, showing you how to cut through in a busy world of social media and stand out online.

How is the content delivered?

The course is supported with a 12 week live componant which involves a private student group and weekly live calls via Zoom. The video lesson content is hosted in an online portal which you will log into. Each module has videos, workbooks, and (where applicable) templates and screen-share explainer/demo videos. The videos are pre-recorded, and you can watch them at whatever pace suits your learning style. 

How much time will I need to invest in the course?

Ignitor is an 8-module course, run over 12 weeks to give you extra time for implementation. If you allow a few hours a week to join in the live call and watch the conent and implement with less time required in the first few weeks and a few more hours required in the last month when we are setting up email campaigns and Facebook ads.

Some alumni have gotten through the material in a matter of weeks, and others have continued to chip away alongside their day job and/or family obligations. 

You will continue to have access to the training so there is no rush to complete everything in the 12 weeks, however it is definately possible. 

Is there a payment plan?

There sure is! Instead of paying in one lump sum you can pay in 3 smaller amounts. All dollar amounts listed are in AUD.

Which eComm website platforms do you cover?

Most of the course content is relevant regardless of which website platform you are using. However we demonstrate pixel setup and Facebook catalogue integration in the most commonly used platforms: Shopify, and WordPress with WooCommerce.

Can you run my Facebook/Instagram ads for me?

“Yes…but.” There are many reasons that I put this course together – and this is one of them. I believe that eCommerce business owners will benefit the most from learning the core skills to grow their business themselves before handing it off. That means that you only start to outsource when your business is ready – not just ready to support the fees that agencies typically charge, ready to support those fees with proven conversion rates. My ad management fees start at $2.5k a month.

What if I need help to implement some of the things you recommend?

Our screen-shares and step-by-step guides are usually exactly what you’re looking for in terms of step-by-step instructions for the setup you need to do.

We can also assist with some things on the weekly calls. 

However, if you simply don’t have the capacity to do it yourself (photography for example), we do have a list of trusted providers we can put you in touch with. 

When is the 12 weeks live running?

The live cohort is running from August 19 – November 10 , 2024

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