How to batch content for your online store like a pro

Content is critical to the success of your online store because it helps you align with your audience, build a solid relationship with them and stay top of mind. And, when done strategically it drives sales, facilitates collaborations and opens the door to all kinds of opportunities.

But staying on top of your content production is tricky.

You may be familiar with the online store content rollercoaster…

You plan out a few weeks of content. You would even schedule it so it went without you having to do a thing and you were free to focus on the day to day operations of running an online store. So organised, so boss, so #igotthis

Then, before you knew it, those 2 weeks had flown by and you didn’t have anything for the next batch of content.


So you scramble to get something up. You skip a few days here and there. You post without strategy until you find the time to do another content planning session..

Does this sound familiar?

We want you to get off this rollercoaster for good.

That’s why in our signature program eComm Ignitor we teach our students how to stay on top of their content production.

And here, we’re going to show you how to make sure you stay on top of your content.


Step 1: start with the big picture

Look ahead and plan out your upcoming sales events, offers and any key dates that are relevant to your brand and your audience. Grab your calendar and map out any important dates for your brand and your audience. This will allow you to see the big picture before writing micro daily content.

You can download this free eCommerce calendar with key dates.


Step 2: reverse engineer your content

Reverse engineer a list of what communication elements you will need to create for each promotion, offer or key date and then map out when you are going to send each piece of communication.

These may include:

  • Email campaigns
  • IG posts
  • IG stories
  • FB posts
  • FB ads campaign

Overlap this with your default content plan so that you have a nice mix of content types. You can watch our free training on how to create content that converts.


Step 3: batch your content

Batching content will save time, energy, and stress. When you batch your content you stay in control and out of last-minute reaction mode trying to bust out content… again.


Tips to slay your batch day:

Tip 1: Remember that you are, in fact, a writer. 

If you can talk, you can write.

As Seth Godin says: “No one ever gets talker’s block. No one wakes up in the morning, discovers he has nothing to say and sits quietly, for days or weeks, until the muse hits, until the moment is right, until all the craziness in his life has died down. Why then, is writer’s block endemic?”

It’s important that you share your message in your genuine voice. So don’t buy into the writer’s block myth and just write as you talk.

Tip 2: Don’t put loads of expectation on yourself. 

Don’t make the process hard. Just have fun and explore what you can produce in one session. Have a plan – and – don’t get down on yourself if you get half of your list done the first time. It gets easier and you will create a natural flow. PROMISE!

Tip 3: Block out uninterrupted time. 

Don’t try to create content while you have a thousand things going on. Every week set at least 4 hours (5-6 is ideal) for you to simply create content. We recommend using the free time management tool, Pomodoro to make the most of your time.

Tip 4: Create a sacred space for your batch day. 

If you need to get out of the office – do that. Maybe you go to your favourite coffee shop with headphones on, or at home with your furbaby curled up at your feet. Be in a space that makes you feel aligned, inspired and creative. Take breaks, play music that lights you up, and bring snacks! ONE RULE: NO DISTRACTIONS!

 Tip 5: Defend this time like your business depends on it — because it does. 

It’s easy to forget that content is really important. But it is. Remember, when done strategically, it drives sales, facilitates collaborations and opens the door to all kinds of opportunities.



Step 4: Test, measure and tweak

Test and measure the results your content generates and tweak your content accordingly. BE CURIOUS! Remember, until you test it’s a guess.



By batching your content you will save a tonne of time, energy, and stress and we promise, it’s worth it.

eCommerce Facebook ad challenge

About Karyn Parkinson

Karyn (“with a Y!”) is an eCommerce marketing specialist with a knack for high-converting Facebook ad funnels and website optimisation. Through her eCommerce marketing agency and on-the-pulse training programs, Karyn’s helped hundreds of eCommerce store owners across the globe boost profits, generate more revenue, and achieve an ad-spend ROI of their dreams.