One of the biggest challenges people face when doing anything is actually finding the time to do it!
And here’s the thing. We are never taught how to work efficiently. We are taught how to do our jobs, but we are never taught how to manage our time.
So in this article I’m going to share with you 5 really important tips that you can implement to manage your time, so it doesn’t manage you.
Tip 1: If it isn’t scheduled it isn’t real
When people join eComm Ignitor we get them to really acknowledge that they are participating in a doing program and this will take time. Every program is different. In eComm Ignitor most people find they need 3-5 solid hours a week. But this time doesn’t just appear out of thin air. You need to carve out some time for you to consume the content, take action, participate in the community and take care of you. So we tell people to schedule this time in your calendar – now. Same goes for any project you are taking on.
Tip 2: Get the support you need
If you need support from your partner, friends or family to be able to give yourself the gift of time to be able to commit to a project, program or activity you’re doing make sure they know how they can help you and why it’s important for you to have this time. Have this conversation early and be as open and honest as you can be.
Tip 3: Manage your email – or it will manage you
I try to think of my inbox like a physical letterbox. I don’t sit there all day waiting for something to be delivered. I check it once a day. I sort through it and throw out the junk and open and action the rest.
Well, I treat my email inbox the same way. Here are my email rules:
- Check it once or twice a day.
- Delete (and unsubscribe) from the junk.
- Action anything that will take 5 minutes or less.
- Schedule time into your calendar to action anything that requires more of your time and attention.
- Turn OFF your email notifications from your phone and desktop.
- Close your email program after you’ve checked it.
Tip 4: Treat social media like a serious business tool – because it is
Just like email, if you don’t manage our social media it will manage you. So allocate a couple of times a day to check your social inboxes and notifications. Turn off all notifications and close the apps when are not in use. We use kill newsfeed, a chrome extension that kills your Facebook newsfeed on your desktop. You can still check your messages and notifications, post status updates, and do everything you could do before. You just won’t get distracting news feed posts.
Tip 5: Kill all distractions
Now… in case you haven’t noticed I want you to turn off all pop-ups and notifications. Disruptions are the worst productivity killer of all time. Every time you see a popup or notification or whatever, your brain turns its attention to that and your concentration on the task at hand is broken.
Final word
So just to recap the 5 tips to manage your time so it doesn’t manage you:
- Schedule your time
- Get the support you need
- Manage your email or it will manage you
- Treat social media like a serious business tool
- Turn off all notifications and distractions
Remember… you only get out what you put in.