Sarah Hyndman

Little Mango sells 100% natural deodorant that really works.

Little Mango was able to learn more about her fast-growing business and what was actually working from eComm Ignitor.

Transitioning to motherhood is a massive change in someone’s life, but Sarah from Little Mango is making it a little easier. 

Little Mango is all about natural ingredients and cutting out harsh and unnecessary chemicals in our lives. Interestingly enough, natural ingredients don’t just do the same job as their chemical counterparts, but they can do it even better!

Sparked when she was pregnant with her first little bub, Sarah was eager to reduce and remove the chemicals in her life. 

Surprisingly enough, she struggled to find natural deodorants that ACTUALLY worked. So what do you do in moments like that while pregnant? Well, make your own of course!

After years of perfecting the deodorant into a creamy, gentle, natural and highly effective product – she started to sell. And did they?!

She was barely able to keep them on the shelves before selling out.

Sarah started to bust out into the market using Facebook ads but there was one main problem. Apart from her own ability to do stock – she was unsure if she was wasting her money on Facebook ads and what was really performing.

That’s when she decided to upskill and learn about it all in eComm Ignitor. She was able to “take control of [her] marketing and FB ads.” 

“I was paying other people to take over my ads, but I actually didn’t know what was going on and whether they were working or not.”

Take a step forward and Sarah not only has a booming business, but she is also able to be confident in reading reports, reviewing results and understanding what is working. 

eComm Ignitor isn’t just for those looking to go from a single person show to a team. It is also designed for people who want to be more across their business and support it as it grows. 

Check out eComm Ignitor for more information on how it can help you.