Woohoo you’re in! We’ve saved your seat
We’re going to show you the exact frameworks we use to prepare your offer, prepare your resources and prepare your marketing to slay the last quarter of 2020!
Next steps:
- Check your email for your registration confirmation
- Add the dates to your calendar and block out some time for yourself
- Whitelist our email so you get the masterclass link + workbooks
- We will send you the masterclass link + workbooks on 29th September
And while you wait… let’s hang out
While you wait for this epic training, why not join our free group UNSTOPPABLE ECOMMERCE ENTREPREPENEURS full of other amazing resources and a mastermind of other eCommpreneurs.
This is a group dedicated to helping you sell more on your online store. With free training and a community of like-minded online store owners, this group will be your new favourite place to hang out!
Be sure to answer the questions when you join so we can let you in!
Here's why you'll love our free group:
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