
Ep. 30 – Our 3 Tier Content Formula To Sell More on Your Online Store


Having content that is unique, magnetic and engaging is critical to having a successful online store. But knowing exactly what content to produce can be tricky.

In today’s episode, we are going to share with you our 3 tier content formula that we use to grow our clients’ and students’ online stores. 

Our content formula consists of 3 tiers: 

  1. Discover 
  2. Dream 
  3. Do

Each tier has different types of content that inspire your audience in different ways. 

Discover content is where your potential customers discover your brand. You also discover who your audience is in this tier as they engage or interact with your content. 

Dream content inspires people to connect with your product and is where people start to imagine themselves with your product in their lives. 

Do content is all about taking action.

If you enjoy this episode, please subscribe, rate, and share the show – it would mean the world to us. There’s more to come and we’re looking forward to sharing how to sell more on your online store in our podcast.

Episode Highlights:

  1. About our 3-tier content formula [01:08]
  2. “Discover” content inspires people to connect with your brand [02:08]
    1. How to connect with potential customers [02:50]
    2. Include posts (not necessarily related to your brand) that your ideal audience will engage with [03:32]
  3. “Dream” content inspires people to connect with your product [06:36]
    1. Show your products being used in real-life [07:08]
    2. Portray your brand as it is [09:52]
    3. Share user-generated content [13:00]
  4. “Do” content inspires your audience to take action [14:16]
    1. On dynamic retargeting and incentives to purchase [16:00]
    2. Make it easy for people to follow your call to action [17:50]
  5. Spread out your posts so that it’s 40% discover, 40% dream, and 20% do [18:40]

Links mentioned:


About Karyn Parkinson

Karyn (“with a Y!”) is an eCommerce marketing specialist with a knack for high-converting Facebook ad funnels and website optimisation. Through her eCommerce marketing agency and on-the-pulse training programs, Karyn’s helped hundreds of eCommerce store owners across the globe boost profits, generate more revenue, and achieve an ad-spend ROI of their dreams.