I’m reading an amazing book at the moment. It’s called Atomic Habits by James Clear.
In it, he shares how humans are conditioned to take the easiest option. Always.
There’s an example he shares about how the UK government wanted to increase their citizens’ tax return submissions. They used to send out an email that linked to the web page that included a link to the form people needed to submit.
They made one small change and updated the link in the email to go directly to the form. This increased their submission (conversion) rate by 3%.
As you know, in the world of conversion 3% is a big deal.
I loved this example because it relates so seamlessly to eCommerce and how you can use this to sell more on your online store.
People are busy, time poor and have short attention spans. Not only that, people are inherently lazy. We want the best result from the least amount of effort. Always.
Here are 3 ways you can take this concept and put it into action to sell more on your online store:
1. Present the path of fewest steps
If you are talking about your Deluxe gift pack send people directly to your Deluxe gift pack where they can instantly add to cart and buy. Don’t send people to a page that includes all your gift packs, or worse, all your products. If there are too many steps involved you’ll experience dropoff. Challenge yourself to reduce the number of clicks people need to make to get to the end of the path.
2. Tell people exactly what you want them to do
A strong call to action is so important because people love to be told what to do. We obey rules, signs and call-to-actions all day. These come in the form of traffic signage, push/pull signs on doors (why do I always get this one wrong!) and queue-here floor stickers thanks to Covid. Give us a sign and we’ll comply. You need to tell people what you want them to do.
3. Make it easy for people to give you money
I often hear students and clients say they don’t want to come across as “salesy”. But here’s the thing about having a successful online store… you need to make sales! You can (and should) do this in a way that aligns with your brand position and values. If you avoid including sales cues throughout your marketing you run the risk of being friend-zoned. And there ain’t no coming back from the friend-zone!
I’ll keep this short and sweet, because you’re probably just like your customers… busy, time poor and have a short attention span!
Comment and let me know which one of these you can implement into your online store today.